If 6 letter words daunt you when you play Words With Friends, Scrabble, or any other word games, this page will hopefully answer any and all questions you may have about 6 letter words. You are bound to run into words that are six letters long when you play popular word games like Scrabble, Words With Friends, or Wordscapes, and word puzzles like anagrams or a crossword puzzle. Games that have you make words are a great pastime and a fantastic tool for new English speakers to use to expand their vocabulary. Whether it's common six letter words such as 'answer' or 'danger,' or a rarely used six letter word like 'miasma,' words of this length are just about everywhere in English, and by association, in word games. Six letter words are among the most commonly used of these, with around 23,000 six letter words present in English dictionaries around the world. However, the most common words are usually between 1 and 8 letters long. In the English language, words can vary wildly in length.